September 20, 2006

13 ways to increase your rss subscribers

there are some posts about how to increase rss subscribers,and now i gave my answer
  1. use feedburner FeedCount show off your feed circulation,beside feedburner feed are permanet that means you don't have to worry about moving to other BSP or Blog system.
  2. only one feed! Do you think that it's necessarily to supply more than one feeds for a Blog?
  3. write a post with the title Welcome to subscribe my feed,and you are supposed to teach the readers how to subscribe in the content.
  4. Full article i believe most audiences like to read the feeds with full articles instand of summary.
  5. put Feed button in the sidebar people are lazy,the easier the better.why not try feedbutton?
  6. Optimize your feed Wordpress users may find these plugins useful.Feedburner also provide convenience functions,like PingShot, SmartFeed, FeedFlare, BuzzBoost.
  7. use significant feed icon Anything Goes Marketing has collect some wonderful icons.
  8. make it default for browser add the following code between in your themplate < rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="feed name” >
  9. submit to any websites the can submit to catch more eyes,add (recomment!) beside your feed name so that others may confuse
  10. use web-based feed reader most web-based feed readers can display the number of feed subscribers(like bloglines) and some users are willing to public their opml which may help you to promote.
  11. Attractive titles seldom did i click the posts with boring titles when using rss reader.
  12. Email RSS feed this make your blog more friendly and professional. i like feedblitz
  13. display the feed count how to judge a Blog? one instant way is to see its feed count!
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Chad said...

Good tips - thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

Greast post. I think this is an article that everyone with a blog should read. I actually just wrote an article that goes into more detail about some ways.